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Holiday Grief Guide Part 3: Coping with Holiday Grief

Writer's picture: Kristy CKristy C

Coping with grief in itself is overwhelming and then we go and throw the holiday season into it and it heightens that feeling in so many ways. All of my first were extremely hard; birthdays, special occasions, holidays, etc. To be honest, year two hasn’t proven to be any easier, however, I’ve been doing everything I can to try and brace myself for the storm that is slowly brewing inside of me as the holiday season approaches (well, it’s practically here so hold on tight). I know many people struggle during the holidays and I thought, these grief guides/tips may be of help to some, as I’ve been leaning into them as much as possible.  


With that being said, I wanted to share a number of things we can utilize to try and help us get through this year. Remember, if all you did was survive the day that’s OK. Maybe these tips can provide some courage and strength to face one of the hardest times of the year for a griever.  


So, let’s talk about it! Here are a list of things you may want to try; you don’t have to try them all, maybe pick a couple that you feel drawn to or that you feel you are capable of trying to do.  


  1. Start new traditions  

  2. Honor old traditions and memories 

  3. Surround yourself with those that love you  

  4. Attend a support group 

  5. Opt out of the holidays all together  

  6. Socialize as you feel able  

  7. Feel your feelings  

  8. Go somewhere new  

  9. Give grief a place at the table  

  10. Volunteer 

  11. Wear headphones in public to avoid holiday music 

  12. Say no... a lot 

  13. Choose gatherings carefully  

  14. Have a plan  

  15. Rest when you need to, it’s OK to step away  

  16. Be gentle with yourself 


As always, there is NO right or wrong way to grieve. There is no correct or incorrect way to get through this difficult time. You must do what feels right for you.  

Normally, I would have gone into depth for each suggestion above, but because there are so many of them, I wanted to keep this short, sweet and to the point. However, you can always reach out to me with any questions or thoughts. 


The holidays are hard, hell, every day is hard, but we can do hard things my friends! 


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