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Excuse me, what the heck is ITP?!

Writer's picture: KristyKristy

Updated: Jun 11, 2021

I was diagnosed with Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) in November 2019. It's a rare blood disorder where your immune system attacks your platelets, making it nearly impossible for your blood to clot (in simple terms). A normal range for platelets is between 150,000 - 400,000. At the time of my diagnosis I had been admitted to the hospital with a platelet level of 5,000.

I was actually heading to the airport for vacation and decided to get some routine blood work on my way out of town. It was a good thing I did because had I gotten on that flight, I probably wouldn't have survived. You see, my doctor had been asking me to get some blood work done for some time now... I don't know why but I just decided to get it done before we flew to Vegas for my birthday. I had been putting it off for many months! I got bloodwork and we headed to my sister's in Elk Grove to drop off the dogs before catching our flight in Sacramento. While we were at my sisters house my doctor's office called a couple times but I figured it was just an automated call so I ignored it. Finally after the third call, I answered and it was a nurse from my doctor's office. She said my bloodwork came back abnormal and I needed to get to an ER ASAP. I told her I was flying to Vegas in 2 hours and was NOT going to an ER. My doctor then grabbed the phone and said, "Kristy your platelets are at a 5 right now, you cannot get on an airplane, get to a hospital right now!" I froze... what was she saying? What is she talking about? My husband took the phone and talked to the doctor. I stood in my sisters kitchen like WTF is happening?! My knees were weak underneath me and I just stood there in confusion. My husband staying as calm as ever (because I was doing enough freaking out for the both of us), walks me to the car and says lets go. I called my sister and she sent me to the closest hospital just 5 minutes away. In a matter of no time I was checked in and taken back. Trying to wrap my head around what was even happening. To be honest, I didn't really know what platelets were and why they would be low. I was so so confused. BUT between my husband, mom and sister - MANY questions were asked while I was in the ER.

They ended up keeping me for FIVE days! They did a ton of tests on me to rule things out, started me on massive steroids and then decided to do IVIG treatment as well. They kept saying I had Immune Thrombocytopenia but I still had no idea what that meant (little did I know, neither did they!) Aside from the heavy monthly cycle, I essentially didn't feel bad. I mean, I was exhausted but what adult isn't these days? I mean LIFE is exhausting, it was never a sign that something was wrong. I kept telling everyone I was fine and it was going to be fine. I still hadn’t wrapped my head around what exactly this all meant. I was doing plenty of google searches but there's a reason they tell you to stay off WebMD! In a matter of minutes I had myself convinced I was dying and never going home LOL

I didn't get to go on vacation BUT they were kind enough to discharge me on my 35th birthday and that was something worth celebrating! Between my husband and the staff, they made me feel very special and all cheered as I got to go home on my special day. This princess was checking out!!

I then went on a heavy dose of steroids for several months there after. Prednisone (aka the devils tic tac) was not my friend. My body felt everything! I was exhausted and wired at the same time. My joints hurt. I had a racing heart. Shaky hands. Anger like I’ve never felt before and no clue why. Didn’t want to be touched or looked at! My face exploded and I had full moon face just in time for the holidays. I gained a significant amount of weight (that was impossible to get off despite my efforts with a personal trainer) and I was just miserable!

I eventually got off the steroids, my platelets went up and I was sure this was a one time thing. I read online that some people NEVER experience it again. I knew that was going to be me! I did blood work once a month and continued on with life.

I rang in the new year of 2020 weaning off the steroids and standing my ground that 2020 was going to be MY year! Ha! That’s funny huh? Knowing what we all do now. Major world pandemic 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ ☣️ 😷 2020 wasn’t going to be anyone’s year! 😂

And so this begins; my journey of life’s inevitable speed humps! The daily unknown 🤷🏻‍♀

My boss even brought me my favorite coffee!

I deserved a glass of mango champagne since I just spent my birthday vacation in the hospital 😂🥂


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