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Warrior Wednesday

Writer's picture: KristyKristy

Talk about a nice surprise! Sooo it’s been a few months since I’ve done a post so let me recap SUPER quick!

My platelets have been beautiful for 10 months. Absolutely beautiful. Then 2 weeks ago they dropped over 100K from the previous month 😳🤦🏻‍♀️ No reason just a nose dive… so my new Hematologist agreed that weekly CBC would be good until I could get into see him. The following week I got my blood work and they had gone up. Not much but enough for me to be happy they were going back up 🎢 I had been getting random bruises, bleeding and fatigue BUT I just kept going. Then this week I went in for my CBC and… womp womp womp - down again. This time, they were lower than I liked. Not low enough to need meds yet but low enough for me to not feel good about it! 🙄😤

So I had a rough day with all the emotions that come along with a dip in numbers. I was frustrated, annoyed and a little bit sad. I always try to keep it together though. Most people that meet me would never know the crazy life I have because I try really hard to stay positive and smiling. Even when I feel shook to my core, I try to smile 😬💜

Anyways, when I got home from work feeling defeated and annoyed, I logged into InstaGram and saw a friend tagged me in a post from the PDSA! They had featured me in their Warrior Wednesday! 😱😍

I had submitted my story awhile ago and actually had forgotten about it. As I reread the very short story I wrote, I thought to myself, girl…. You’ve got this! You’ve been here before! You know the outcome! You know what to do! 😉🙌🏼

I get another CBC on Monday and see my Hematologist on Tuesday. Im hopeful my numbers don’t drop anymore but if they do, it’s ok! I know what to do. Keeping my mind right can be a struggle when you’re up against an invisible illness BUT ima keep doing it! 🧘🏻‍♀️

Stay strong and stay hopeful my friends!


Here is a link for the short story:



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